ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2015,7,5,1-1.Published:29th Apr, 2015Type:Original ArticlePharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluation of Ventilago calyculata Tul. (Bark)Kumar Shweta, Balakrishnan N, Lakshmi P. K, Toppo F. A, Toppo F. A, and Pawar RS Kumar Shweta2, Balakrishnan N1, Lakshmi P. K2, Toppo F. A2 and Pawar R. S2* 1Department of Pharmacognosy, Technocrats Institute of Technology-Pharmacy, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462021, INDIA.2Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, VNS Group of Institutions, Neelbud, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,462044, INDIA.Abstract:Keywords:standardization, total flavonoid content, total phenolic content, Ventilago denticulata Willd, Ventilago madraspatana var. calyculata (Tul.) King.