ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2022,14,5,511-520.DOI:10.5530/pj.2022.14.128Published:October 2022Type:Original ArticleAntioxidant Activity of DPPH, CUPRAC, and FRAP Methods, as well as Activity of Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibiting Enzymes from Tinospora crispa (L.) Stem Ultrasonic ExtractCandra Irawan, Imalia Dwi Putri, Maman Sukiman, Andita Utami, Ismail, Ratna Komala Putri, Anisa Lisandi, and Andrean Nur Pratama Candra Irawan1, Imalia Dwi Putri1, Maman Sukiman2, Andita Utami3, Ismail3,*, Ratna Komala Putri3, Anisa Lisandi3, Andrean Nur Pratama4 1Department of Food Nanotechnology, Politeknik AKA Bogor, Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, INDONESIA. 2Department of Industrial Waste Treatment, Politeknik AKA Bogor, Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, INDONESIA. 3Department of Chemical Analysis, Politeknik AKA Bogor, Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, INDONESIA. 4Research and Development Planning Agency, Tanggamus District, Lampung, INDONESIA. Abstract:Aims: The goal of this work was to get the stem extract of Tinospora crispa (L.) using ultrasoundassisted extraction (UAE) with duration and amplitude changes to achieve optimal extraction conditions. The antioxidant potential of the extract as measured by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), CUPRAC (Cupric Ion Reducing Antioxidant Capacity), FRAP (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma), and its antidiabetic potential. Results: The third test of antioxidant methods showed that the measurement of antioxidant activity with, DPPH, CUPRAC, and FRAP gave significantly different results, but CUPRAC and FRAP gave the same response to the ethanol extract of Tinospora crispa stems, it can be concluded that the extract of Tinospora crispa stems in all treatments had strong antioxidant activity using either the CUPRAC or methods FRAP. In addition, it is very active as an antidiabetic by inhibiting alpha glucosidase. The optimum extract selected was extract B (extraction time was 35 minutes and amplitude 65%) with IC50 values for antioxidant activity in the CUPRAC method of 72.53 ± 0.18 mg/L and the FRAP method of 152.29 ± 2.16 mg/L, while the inhibition of alpha glucosidase was 0.30 ± 0.006 mg/L. Keywords:Antidiabetic, Antioxidant, Tinospora crispa (L.), Ultrasound-assisted extraction.View:PDF (1013.78 KB) PDF Images The stem samples of Tinospora crispa. ‹ Isolation and Characterization of Neuroglobin and The Reducing Enzyme Metneuroglobin (Neuroglobin Fe3+) From Bovine Brain Tissue up Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant Activity, and Anti- Inflammatory Potential of Rhinachantus nasutus (L.) Kurz Flower Ethanol Extract ›