Published Articles

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Analysis of Several Inflammatory Markers Expression in Obese Rats given Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng Ethanol Extract, Harefa, Karnirius, Sulastri Delmi, Nasrul Ellyza, and Ilyas Syafruddin , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.172-178, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.75 MB)
In silico Anticancer Activity and in vitro Antioxidant of Flavonoids in Plectranthus amboinicus, Manurung, Kesaktian, Sulastri Delmi, Zubir Nasrul, and Ilyas Syafruddin , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1573-1577, (2020) PDF icon PDF (1.32 MB)