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Alpha-Mangostin Effect on Inhibition Development Stadium and Globin Accumulation Against Plasmodium falciparum, Kuncoro, Hadi, Widyawaruyanti Aty, and Ersam Taslim , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.783-788, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.33 MB)
Alpha Mangostin and Xanthone Activity on Fasting Blood Glucose, Insulin and Langerhans Islet of Langerhans in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Mice, Ratwita, Welly, Sukandar Elin Yulinah, I Adnyana Ketut, and Kurniati Neng Fisheri , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.64-68, (2019) PDF icon PDF (235.3 KB)
Anti-inflammatory activity of isolated compounds from the stem bark of Garcinia cowa Roxb, Wahyuni, Fatma Sri, Ali Daud Ahmad Isra, Lajis Nordin Hj., and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.55-57, (2017) PDF icon PDF (441.82 KB)